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Lost Deer Purple Edition by Eriksson and Bocopo
Lost Deer Purple Edition by Eriksson and Bocopo
[업무시간 안내] -오전10시 ~ 오후 4시 30분 -토,일,공휴일 휴무 [회사약도] 홈페이지 하단의 회사소개 코너에 약도와 교통편이 안내되어 있습니다.
기본 정보
판매가 23,000 won
수량 수량증가수량감소
제조사 Eriksson and Bocopo
원산지 미국

무통장 입금 결제1,100원 (5%)

상품가 20,909 won
사용후기 0
상품문의 0
관련상품수 0
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Lost Deer Purple Edition by Eriksson and Bocopo 수량증가 수량감소 23000 (mileage : 0)
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( 최소주문수량 1개 이상 / 최대주문수량 0개 이하 )

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Lost Deer Playing Cards is a brand-new style of artwork by Eriksson and Bocopo. It is not merely a "modern minimalist" or a so-called "complex fantasy," the Lost Deer Playing Cards shows you the mixture of Chinese and Western art and aesthetics.

Mysterious Inspiration 

The design of the Lost Deer Playing Cards originated from a nightmare of the designer Eriksson. At that time, he was at a low point in his life. He was immersed in pain and found it hard to extricate himself all day. After a night of drunkenness, he fell into a nightmare.

In the dream, he lost his way in the misty woods, filled with disappointment and unable to escape. When he desperately wanted to give up, a roe deer appeared. The high antler was like a flag of pride and led him to step out of the terrible dream.

When Eriksson woke up, he translated this dream into his creative inspiration and, thus, Lost Deer Playing Cards was born.

The elk symbolizes sacredness in the East and West. What the designer wants to express is that this deck of cards will take players away from the cage of life, with an active attitude towards life.

Chinese and Western Combination 

The graceful and mysterious design of the Lost Deer Playing Cards is difficult to see from the picture. Perhaps there has never been a deck of playing cards that combines the feeling of fantasy with the modern style so naturally.

In the large area of the cards, the most popular low-poly element in the Western world has been used, and the image of a deer is outlined only by lines. It is depicted in a simple and clear manner in the Western style. However, in the painting, it chooses the most traditional elements of the ink painting in the East, and that kind of color makes the lost deer smarter and more mysterious.

The two completely different elements come from two different lands, but they are soft and gentle in this deck of playing cards, which complement each other and perfectly integrate the reality and the dream, the West and the East.

Card Box 

With a fully dreamy feeling on the card box, and the elk-shaped mosaic of the deer is even more mysterious and stunning. If you stitch two card boxes together, you can reproduce a complete picture.

Card Back 

The back of the card is the vortex formed after the distortion of the antlers. With the gradual change of colors, it is as if living in the mysterious dream.

The pattern inside and outside in the cardistry shows a unique beauty so that you are unable to reject it. Both sides which form two rings after opening, greatly enriching the sense of layers.

Card Face 

The card face of the Lost Deer Playing Cards has not been designed in the traditional style but 100% redesigned instead. It not only owns the font polished more suitable for the overall style, but also has the purple triangles at the two corners of the board which are even more unique. They can be exposed exactly when they are opened, with more complete and rich purple circles, which are formed at the outermost and most central areas.


The design of the Lost Deer Playing Cards takes every detail into consideration. Even the color chosen is the rare purple in the cards, highlighting the mystery of the illusion.

The Lost Deer Playing Cards is limited to 2500 decks. No REPRINTS. The Lost Deer Playing Cards satisfies all requirements for quality: printed by USPCC, classic stock selected, and air-cushion finish, all of which will make you feel the beauty and texture of life.

If you are tired of stereotyped simplicity, if you are already tired of the visual fatigue of the practice cards, let the Lost Deer Playing Cards take you out of this slough!

Lost Deer, let you experience the quality of life in the dream! 

  • The fusion and collision of Chinese and Western cultural elements
  • Mystery inspiration
  • 100% redesigned
  • Rare purple
  • Two decks can be combined into a complete dream
  • 54 cards + billboard
  • Printed by USPCC
  • Classic stock
  • Air-cushion finish

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교환 및 반품 안내

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* 교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우

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Tel : 010. 2967. 7275
        031. 391 .4784
fax : 031-688-8916
월 - 금 / 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
점심시간 / 12:00 am - 1:00 pm
토, 일, 공휴일 쉽니다.
농협 : 581-12-209561
국민 : 639001-01-062255
우리 : 1002-056-898916
신한 : 110-354-531867
예금주 : 송영식
반품 주소 : 경기도 군포시 금정동 706-7번지 지하1층
택배 정보 : 우체국 택배 (1588-1300)


