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[탈리호 브리티시 모나크덱] Tally-Ho British Monarchy Playing Cards by LUX Playing Cards - Trick
[탈리호 브리티시 모나크덱] Tally-Ho British Monarchy Playing Cards by LUX Playing Cards - Trick
[업무시간 안내] -오전10시 ~ 오후 4시 30분 -토,일,공휴일 휴무 [회사약도] 홈페이지 하단의 회사소개 코너에 약도와 교통편이 안내되어 있습니다.
기본 정보
판매가 17,000 won
수량 수량증가수량감소
제조사 LUX Playing Cards
상품가 15,455 won
사용후기 0
상품문의 0
관련상품수 0
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[탈리호 브리티시 모나크덱] Tally-Ho British Monarchy Playing Cards by LUX Playing Cards - Trick 수량증가 수량감소 17000 (mileage : 0)
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( 최소주문수량 1개 이상 / 최대주문수량 0개 이하 )

SNS 상품홍보


게시물이 없습니다

탈리호 매니아라면 탐낼만한 카드입니다.


고대 영국(브리튼)의 왕족을 배경으로 제작된 카드인데요.

USPC에서 생산되었고 리노이드 피니쉬마감입니다.


[스페이드] K :에드워드 1세 /  Q:메리 여왕 / J:크두느 대왕 / A:왕관(Royal Crown)

[클럽] K:제임스 1세 / Q:앤 여왕 / J:리차드 1세 / A:십자구체(Globus Cruciger)

[다이아몬드] K:헨리 8세 / Q:엘리자베스 여왕 1세 / J:엘프레드 대왕 / A:투구(Knight’s Helmet)

[하트] K:정복자 윌리엄 1세 / Q:빅토리아 여왕 / J:헨리 5세 / A:왕좌(Royal Throne)
조커 : 앤 불린 & 올리버 크롬웰


Tally-Ho is the luxury brand of playing cards by USPCC (The United States Playing Card Company). It's the deck of choice for cardists, flourishers, players, and magicians alike. These Tally-Ho playing cards are in the long line of cards that started printing in 1885. This is the latest iteration of Tally-Ho cards, of which there are few. This is the British Monarchy Tally-Ho deck, and you can get it now.

The art is all original and historically accurate, based upon famous British Monarchy from centuries past. To stay in tradition with the elegant Tally-Ho brand, the card back is extravagantly detailed. USPCC approved the art for this deck, and we've been excited to bring it to you ever since. Each King and Queen has been meticulously researched and elaborately portrayed. The card back is ornate in its design, while keeping with the theme of the deck. The back illustrates the Crown, and alludes to the War of the Roses in England. The portraits themselves of the royalty cards are intricate, while keeping the cards playable.

Each royalty card is comprised of monarchy from the long and distinguished history of Britain. The Kings and Queens depicted in each royalty card exude elegance and sophistication. The British Monarchy chosen for this deck include:

  • King of Spades: King Edward I "Longshanks"
  • Queen of Spades: Mary Queen of Scots
  • Jack of Spades: Cnut the Great
  • Ace of Spades: Royal Crown
  • King of Clubs: King James I
  • Queen of Clubs: Queen Anne
  • Jack of Clubs: King Richard I, The Lionheart
  • Ace of Clubs: Globus Cruciger
  • King of Diamonds: King Henry VIII
  • Queen of Diamonds: Queen Elizabeth I
  • Jack of Diamonds: King Alfred the Great
  • Ace of Diamonds: Knight's Helmet
  • King of Hearts: William the Conqueror
  • Queen of Hearts: Queen Victoria
  • Jack of Hearts: King Henry V
  • Ace of Hearts: Royal Throne
  • Jokers: Anne Boleyn and Oliver Cromwell

The tuck case features some of the most well-known features you are already familiar with on a Tally-Ho case while integrating the new black and gold colors as well as the card back design. The tuck case also features a special raised, textured finish giving the tuck a distinct, rich feel.

This Tally-Ho playing card deck is Made in the USA. The high quality Linoid finish makes it the premier choice among card flourishers. USPCC prints Tally-Ho, Bicycle, and Bee playing cards. Tally-Ho is a registered trademark of the United States Playing Card Company.

About the Artist

Immensely talented artist Nam Tibon is based out of Manila, Philippines, and has been painting since he can remember. He is a Fine Arts graduate of the University of the Philippines, and he won the Golden Laurel Award for the painting competition of the International Delphic Games. His work has also been published at Graphika Manila's art book. He is the co-founder and artist of an indie graphic company, Circus Science, and an artists' collective, Happy Sapiens. At only 25 years old, his work has already been shown in art galleries internationally, and I'm very thrilled that his work can be showcased here.

The History of Tally-Ho playing cards:

Andrew Dougherty was perhaps the greatest innovator in playing card history. He produced some of America's first playing cards, and introduced the first Tally-Ho cards. Among other innovations, he helped bring indices onto playing cards, brought Jokers into mainstream card decks, and also produced cards with rounded corners instead of square corners.

Important Dates:

  • 1845 - Texas becomes part of the United States
  • 1848 - Dougherty, age 21, starts his playing card business in New York
  • 1848 - End of Mexican-American War
  • 1865 - Dougherty's Illuminated Deck produced
  • 1865 - End of Civil War; Abraham Lincoln assassinated
  • 1867 - Dougherty patents the Triplicate cards, showing a smaller card in the corners
  • 1885 - Dougherty produces the first Tally-Ho cards
  • 1885 - USPCC produces the first Bicycle cards
  • 1902 - The Expert at the Card Table published
  • 1905 - Andrew Dougherty dies, aged 78
  • 1907 - USPCC buys the business from Dougherty's sonsDai Vernon, one of the all-time greats, was a big fan of Tally-Ho cards, and you can see him using them in videos as well as in The Dai Vernon Book of Magic.
Tally-Ho Theme:

We wanted to ensure that this Tally-Ho British Monarchy deck is original, yet stays true to Tally-Ho themes of the past, namely the fan backs and circle backs. The Crown as the central feature on the back of this British Monarchy deck corresponds to the central figures found on both Tally-Ho fan backs and circle backs. The roses here also allude to the flowers found there as well. In addition, we added a crossing feature on the ends of the British Monarchy cards, most notably found on the circle backs. With rich flourishes to the British Monarchy card back, everything pays tribute to previous Tally-Ho decks.

 유매직의 마술도구의 해법은 여러가지 방법(비밀번호, 온라인해법(타 사이트), CD나 DVD)으로 제공됩니다.

비밀번호 형식의 마술 해법 보는 방법

1) 제품을 받으시면 택배박스안에 주문서가 동봉되어 배송됩니다.

2) 주문서의 각각의 제품명 하단에 해법비밀번호(숫자5자리 or 영어+숫자)가 있습니다.

   (단, 플레잉카드처럼 트릭이 없는 제품의 경우 해법이 제공되지 않습니다.)

3) 홈페이지 오른쪽 상단의 돋보기 옆에 [제품검색]으로 구매하신 제품을 검색하세요.

4) 각 제품의 상세페이지 최하단 [비밀번호 보호 동영상] 바로 아래 빈 칸에 비밀번호를 넣으세요.

5) 파란색 버튼[동영상보기]를 클릭하면 해법을 볼 수 있습니다.

* 혹시 해법영상이 안 나올 경우, 자유게시판의 공지사항을 참고하십시오.


1) 강사님들 께서는 마술도구 도매코너를 활용하십시오.

2) 회원가입후 이메일(neouto3@umagic.co.kr)로 아이디와 함께 강사자격증을 보내주시면 도매등급으로 등업해드립니다.

3) 팩스(031-688-8916)로 내용을 보내주셔도 됩니다.

4) 일루전장비는 도매할인이 적용되지 않습니다.


교환 및 반품 안내

* 교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우 (7일 이내에 반품,환불,교환이 가능하십니다.)

- 제품 설명과 다른 제품이 배송된 경우.
- 마술트릭이 없는 단순제품.(ex: 트릭이 없는 바이시클카드 , 카드패드 , 트릭없는동전등등)

* 교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우

- 트릭이 있는 마술도구의 경우 마술도구의 특성상 택배박스를 개봉한 경우, 마술의 비밀(컨텐츠)이 노출된 것으로 간주되어 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.
- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품 등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우.

- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의하여 상품의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우(트릭없는 단순제품의경우)

- 시간의 경과에 의하여 재판매가 곤란할 정도로 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우(트릭없는 단순제품의 경우)
- 복제가 가능한 상품등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
※ 고객님의 마음이 바뀌어 교환, 반품을 하실 경우 상품반송 비용은 고객님께서 부담하셔야 합니다. (색상 교환,  사이즈 교환 등 포함)


고객님들의 소중한 포토 리뷰 ( 최근 1년이내 )

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Tel : 010. 2967. 7275
        031. 391 .4784
fax : 031-688-8916
월 - 금 / 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
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토, 일, 공휴일 쉽니다.
농협 : 581-12-209561
국민 : 639001-01-062255
우리 : 1002-056-898916
신한 : 110-354-531867
예금주 : 송영식
반품 주소 : 경기도 군포시 금정동 706-7번지 지하1층
택배 정보 : 우체국 택배 (1588-1300)


